How Does Gum Health Impact Pregnancy?

A study published in Oral Health & Preventative Dentistry suggests that pregnant individuals who receive treatment for gingivitis will see a lower risk of pre-term births as well as higher birth weights. Pregnant patients have a great deal of health care on their plate. However, this research proves that they should not skip crucial care for their oral health, especially their gums.

Gingivitis refers to the early stage of gum disease, an infection affecting the gum tissue. Though common, the infection can not only wreak serious havoc on your smile. But it can also impact the rest of your body. Infections like this trigger the body’s inflammatory response, which can lead to adverse effects related to other health conditions, like pregnancy.

Identifying gum disease and knowing the importance of prompt treatment can help you seek necessary periodontal therapy and routine dental care. Read on to learn details about gum disease, how to tell if you have it, how to get rid of it, and how to avoid contracting it in the first place.

How Does Gum Health Impact Pregnancy

Signs of Gingivitis

Gingivitis often presents with noticeable symptoms, including bleeding, swelling, and soreness in the gum tissue. Sometimes you can experience acute irritation due to harsh brushing techniques. But if the symptoms become chronic, you might have an infection.

As gum disease advances, you can see worsening symptoms, including bad breath, receding gums, and looseness in the teeth. But gingivitis might also develop without visible symptoms. You might not realize you have it.

For this reason, you will need to attend routine dental appointments where a dentist can perform a periodontal disease screening. Early intervention is key when it comes to gum disease, so do not skip this crucial regular oral health care.

Treatment for Gum Disease

Gum disease will not go away on its own. You will require intervention from a dentist to eradicate this infection. A dentist performs periodontal therapy to get rid of gum disease. This involves extensive cleaning of your smile, especially deep in the gum pockets.

This clearing away of excess bacteria and other build-ups is known as scaling and root planing. If the infection persists after this treatment, you may need more intense dental work using laser procedures. A dentist may also recommend an antibacterial rinse to use at home that will keep your natural oral bacteria balanced and less likely to spread to infect your gums.

Gum Disease Prevention Tips

To avoid potential oral health complications and restorative dental work, you can make efforts to prevent contracting gum disease in the first place. This will entail oral health care both at home and at your dentist’s office.

You should practice good oral hygiene to remove harmful residues that encourage bacterial spread and therefore oral infections. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily.

You will also need to attend routine dental cleanings and oral exams, especially when conditions like pregnancy may leave the smile vulnerable to dental issues. Learn more by giving your dentist a call today.